Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January 5 and 6:Day 19 and 20

With my crazy work schedule I have not been able to update. John has had a lot of adventures over the last 2 days. 

On Tuesday, he got to eat at Long John Silvers. Get it? Long... John. He saw the sign and thought it was pretty funny that it had his 2 names and he has wanted to eat there ever since. He got a big 'ole platter of fried fish and hush puppies. Rick said it took him 45 minutes to eat it. He said he liked it, but he hasn't asked to go back. 

Not a flattering picture, but we had to document another fried meal!

The highlight of Tuesday was going to the dentist. I want to give a special thanks to Dr. Catron and Kelly from Mortenson Dental. Also a special thanks to Lisa for coordinating the appointment for us. These folks donated a cleaning, xrays, and an exam for John! Overall, things looked really good. He needs to have some teeth pulled so new ones can grow, but that's about it. Nothing was pressing, and it all can wait until he has permanent care. So thankful for these people that gave of their time and their talents to help our little friend!

In the waiting room

He was so good for them!

Getting x-rays

So thankful for the service they provided!

Wednesday was a busy day for John! They left the house around 9:00 in the morning and didn't get back until they picked the kids up from school. They started out by walking the bridge from Kentucky to Indiana. It was cold, but they still had fun.

After this they went to the zoo. It is cold outside so there was no one there. It was fun for John to see the animals up close. 

They ate at McDonald's today and it was another Big Mac for lunch. Rick said he ate every last bit of it. After the zoo, it was a trip to Cabela's and then a trip to Costco. In Cabela's they were looking at tents and John said something about sleeping. Rick said, "yes, those are for sleeping." John said, "no, I want to sleep in the car." Ha! I guess he was tired from all the walking and everything they had done. I wish he would get that tired at NIGHT!

I am noticing that he is really picking up on more English. He will learn this language in no time. Whenever Timmy starts to cry, he always says "Timmy crazy" and if the little kids are bothering him he says "please stop." Ha, ha. He got that from me. I say "please stop" many times a day with those little boogers. His #1 English phrase is "WHAT'S THIS?" He says it, on average, 100 times a day. He wants to know what EVERYTHING is called. If he doesn't like your explanation, he will look it up on Google. Told ya, he is a curious little guy.

Rick is back to work tomorrow and I will be running around to appointments with John. Hopefully we can find something fun to do at some point, but Rick seemed to cover most of them. I told John we have 1 week left. He didn't smile, or frown, and he just said "OK." Sometimes I wish language was not such a barrier so we could figure out exactly what he was thinking. 

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