Saturday, January 2, 2016

January 1: Day 15

Happy New Year!

We ventured out to Cincinnati today to visit the Children's museum with some of our cousins and Grandma. 

I didn't think he could finish this... boy, was I wrong!

First stop was McDonald's. I asked him what he wanted, and he said a Big Mac! What?!?! We got it for him, and he ate every last bit of it. He really is an extreme junk food eater.

He had a lot of fun at the museum. We saw some animal bones, played in construction area, and played in a giant tree house. He seemed to really enjoy all of it. The museum was crowded, and we had 9 kids with us. It was a little challenging keeping up with all of them. John wanders off, so he really needs an adult with him at all times. I guess when things are so new, and you are curious by nature, he just lets his curiosity get the best of him. There were several times we looked away for a second, and he was away from us. 

a real alligator skin

at the end of the cave

9 kids... a lot to keep up with!

The tree house. Tons of fun, but really easy to lose a kid!

He built this bridge in the water area many times

He wanted me to take a picture of the museum

Swimming with the fish

He wanted to get the buildings of Cincinnati in the background. 
He got car sick on the way to the museum. We had to pull over 2 times for him to get out of the car. He was playing the iPad, and I think that is what did it. We were a little nervous about the drive back home, but he did fine. He didn't play the iPad, and that was his choice. I think he realized it made him dizzy to play in the car.

John, once again, did not like the dinner we made. It was a pot roast. He wanted chips, hot dogs... and other junk food. We told him no to everything he wanted. We let our kids eat peanut butter sandwiches if they don't like the dinner we make, and we told him the same thing. He ate a peanut butter bagel sandwich... with mandarin oranges on it. Goodness! He has odd taste in food. He ate it, and that is all that matters.

We spent the evening playing a few games and then headed off to bed. Rick asked him if he liked the museum, and he gave two thumbs up and said "GOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!" I guess that means he liked it. 

I wanted to mention some of John's goals. I asked what he wanted to be when he grows up, and he said, "a dad!"  I asked him what he wanted to do for work, and he said, "an engineer." I thought that was cool. This boy has dreams. The reality is those dreams may or may not come true in China, but in America, they can come true. He just needs a family to keep him focused, and push him towards his goals. 

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