Friday, December 25, 2015

December 25: Day 8

Merry Christmas!

Long had a great night! He actually slept all through the night and didn't get up until 6:45. I was relieved! I woke up at 6:00 and couldn't go back to sleep. I kept expecting him to show up at my door calling "mommy..."

We waited for the rest of the kids to wake up, which wasn't much longer. All the kids, including Long, ran in to wake Rick up. He thought that was funny. He kept saying something in Chinese and giggling. 

We put the kids in a horseshoe shape and made them take turns opening gifts. Long went first, of course. He LOVED his first gift of Legos. I knew he would! It had a transporter and a few trucks. He was super excited. He was very patient and calm while the others opened their gifts. He ended up getting 3 packages. A pair of pajamas with slippers, some new clothes, and the Legos. He got hot wheels from Hannah, and he LOVED them! He got so excited to see 2 hot wheels. Kinda puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

The best part was when he opened his stocking. His favorite thing from all of Christmas was a $5 card to McDonalds. You should've seen his reaction. He asked me if he could use it in China, and I told him no. I told him it only had $5, and we would use it tomorrow. He was sooo happy! Santa also put a pack of gum in there. He loves to chew gum, so this also made him really happy.

Santa brought all the kids a ping pong table. He didn't show much interest in it this morning, but tonight he had a blast playing with it. So many giggles. 

We went to my parent's house to do Christmas with my side of the family. He got another package there. We ate lunch and hung out for a few hours. He has played non-stop since we got back from their house. He built his entire Lego set and was so proud of it! At first he didn't want to open it because he wanted to save it to take it back to China. We told him we would put it in a ziploc bag for him to take back. He was worried about everything fitting in his backpack, but we told him he would get a new bag to take back to China. 

He was able to stay up until 9:15. We were happy with that! Hoping and praying that he will make it through the night with a reasonable wake-up time. He played hard today!

Today was by far the best day we have spent with him. I feel like his personality just exploded. He smiled and laughed all day. He just seemed so content and comfortable. Not that he was unhappy the other days, I just felt like today was different. I hope this will be the new normal. I would love to see more of this young man's personality before he leaves. What a treasure he is! I'm telling you, you can't spend 5 minutes with him and NOT fall completely in love. He is such a cool kid. We told him that tomorrow is a BIG day! Red vs. blue. We will see what he decides to wear. I am sure it will be red, because he loves to see me throw a fit when he cheers for red. I am quite the actress, you know. 

Merry Christmas!
His very own Lego set!

We sure do love this sweet boy! 

He worked so hard to put his new set together. 

The excitement... gum and a McDs gift card!

Ready to open another gift at my parent's house

Just a little fun in our homemade photo booth

I have the aging booth app on my phone. It turns you into an old person. OH MY GOODNESS... the laughter. He thought it was hilarious!

He also got a kick out of this! This picture makes me laugh every time. He has such a great sense of humor!

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